
domingo, 25 de maio de 2008


Finally, I decided to write here using English words, sorry for that! I couldn’t find such a better subject as the Eurovision Contest. In fact I still cannot really understand the point of this contest. After long time without watch such an event, I was wasting my time in front of the screen. Well, I cannot say it was a waste of time, cause till some point was even funny. I was just a little misled regarding to all the show drafting process. I admit that I feel sorry for those who decided to use the phone and vote the song they found as being the best. You know, this is not about music, damn... Far from that! That’s just a pretty place, where pretty people are showing off their pretty and clean clothes, full of colours and flowers if possible! Is just about the SHOW!

In the end there was a voting period! I can call that, a geographical voting period! Because no one was in fact interested in music! For example, Portuguese citizens (so, perhaps the emigrants) gave maximum points to Ukraine, great! Our highest income points came from Switzerland and France! You guess why? Well, I just can provide that if my country was situated in the middle of Europe and perhaps we could have a closer relation with our neighbours, and also maybe with many emigrants able to vote for us from different countries, I sure we would get to the top of the table easier! Anyway, I don’t want to mean that all this is a bad thing, maybe it is not, it just kind of pathetic in my humble opinion.

A part from all this lights and stuff, I wish people around could really listen to music and understand what they listen to, that would be great. Forget the contests! Music is not this, so, call everything you want to, but don’t use such a word, MUSIC does not fit here!

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